At this time, we do not have plans to offer the CBT training seminar. When we decide to resume the seminars, we will send out an email to those on our email list. If you would like to be on the contact list for notifications, please email us at



Healthcare practitioners at the October 2019 CBT Seminar

After attending this hands-on seminar, you will perform CBT with confidence, enthusiasim, and astonishment!

This exciting seminar will provide you with a wealth of powerful techniques that you will be able to quickly and easily incorporate into your practice. Included in the price of the seminar are a comprehensive, easy to use manual and a delicious lunch on Saturday.

At the seminar, you will learn everything Dr. Smith knows about CBT. There are no advanced classes or modules.

CBT utilizes Muscle Response Testing (MRT), which we make sure that every participant can comfortably and accurately perform before the seminar begins. If you are unfamiliar with MRT, our one-on-one instruction will have you quickly and confidently performing MRT in about a half hour.

Class size is limited. You must register ahead of time to confirm your admission. No registrations will be accepted at the door.


CranioBiotic Technique training seminars are not subsidized by any nutritional company or equipment manufacturer, nor do we promote any particular nutritional products and/or medical equipment.

Only those individuals with one of the following degrees may attend the CBT training seminar:

IMPORTANT! Before registering for this seminar, please be sure that this technique is in compliance with your State Board’s Rules and Regulations


There is no CBT certification process, and attending one workshop does not qualify someone to be a competent CBT practitioner. Mastering the entire CBT protocol takes years of experience combined with excellent diagnostic skills and good clinical judgement. Dr. Smith is unaware of anyone’s current level of proficiency, or whether or not they are even practicing the entire CBT protocol.  Dr. Smith is therefore unable to endorse or recommend anyone who has participated in a CBT workshop. Dr. Smith is not responsible for any injury resulting from CBT treatment that was provided by someone else.

“I truly feel that this is not only the best workshop I’ve ever been to, but perhaps the most life-changing.  The implications of this technique are staggering, not only for chiropractic but for health care in general.  I would highly recommend the workshop to anyone interested in making huge impacts on peoples’ lives.”

Matt Colman, DC
San Francisco, CA

“CBT is fantastic!  After I returned from the workshop, I was hoping that just half of what I learned would work well.  It all works well!  WOW!”

Tony Paolucci, DC
Parker, CO

“CBT is the perfect adjunct to an acupuncture practice.  I use it every day on every patient.  I love the immediate positive feedback I get from my patients!”

Maureen Quinn, LAc
Rockville, MD

“I want to thank you for sharing this new incredible protocol.  It’s fantastic!  I have been having a wonderful time and my patients are doing very well.  CBT is amazing and I am totally jazzed!”

Marjorie Lee, DC
Alameda, CA

“It has been six months since I attended your class in Idaho.  I have been consistently experiencing results with my patients that I had questioned would be possible when I took the class.  They are like the “miracle results” we heard about in early days of chiropractic.  CBT fits in perfectly with chiropractic because it too works directly with the brain and nervous system.
Two days ago a mother brought in her six month old son who has had labored breathing since birth.  Grandma came along too.  All had been to the baby’s M.D. earlier that day.  Even the specialists have apparently been unable to help the child.
Within 20 seconds we found the cause and within another 20 seconds I cleared it.  Baby instantly began non-labored breathing.  Mom and grandma were shocked.  So was I.  Called the mother today and the baby is breathing normally now.  This is REALLY FUN!  Thanks Tony.”

Bruce Hone, DC
Seattle, WA

“I was amazed at what occurred at the workshop.  CBT is powerful, effective and simple.  My practice has been transformed and I am thrilled!”

Kelley Van Rij, LAc PT
Ormond Beach, FL

“Bottom line: CBT does what Dr. Smith says it does!”

Jack Hendricks, DC
Winter Haven, FL

“This was an amazing workshop that opens up a huge amount of health benefits for my patients.  CBT is simple, profound and effective.  It was well worth the long trip from England to learn this great stuff.”

Patrick Molloy, DC
Surrey, UK

“This was without a doubt the best workshop (of about 35) that I have attended.  CBT is incredibly simple and effective, and it works immediately.  WOW!”

Lora Dabney, LAc
Sarasota, FL

“Allergies, infections, and toxicities are so common, that unless there’s a simpler and faster way to get them out of the way first, all other treatments are not as effective as they should be.  Therefore, I think that all health practitioners should know about CBT.”

Yulien Tso, LAc
Santa Monica. C